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Complementary creatine for bodybuilding. Benefits, damages and components

Creatine supplement is one of the most famous and best supplements at present because it is very effective to increase the size and weight and the prices are relatively cheap. A kilogram of creatine supplements can take you more than 6 months (and the price of a kilogram of carrots is about 20 US dollars). Creatine is used extensively among different sports professionals, giving it strength, power and speed. It is also used as a treatment for many diseases such as Parkinson's and muscular dystrophy.

What are the components of creatine?

Creatine is a nitrogenic acid synthesized in the liver from three amino acids. (You can read an article about amino acids and protein) and this acid moves from the liver to all cells of the body through the blood to supply them with energy. The main beneficiaries of creatine acid are muscle and brain. Where 95% of creatine acid is stored in muscles in the form of phosphocrytin. Creatine may be supplemented by a diet supplement or by eating large amounts of red meat and fish, with a kilogram of this meat contains 5 grams of creatine. (If creatine can be made inside of amino acids or taken from outside)

In 1912, scientists at Harvard University discovered that ingestion of creatine from an external source increases the concentration of phosphocrytin in the muscles. During the 20th century, dozens of research papers were published on the benefits of creatine to improve athletic performance. But this complement was not known until the 1992 Barcelona Olympics when Linford Christie won the 100m gold medal. He announced that he was taking creatine supplements. Creatine is a natural supplement and is licensed for use in all Olympics and sports competitions.

Creatine was only commercially started in 1993 by EAS and was named Phosphagen .

In 1996, a study was published showing that creatine intake with simple carbohydrates (rapid absorption) improved the storage of phosphocrytin in the muscles. And this research led to the appearance of Creatine Celltech Creatine Celltech from Muscletech. This product is one of the most famous creatine supplements so far. Creatine silicate contains alpha lipolic acid, which was proven in 2003 that this acid enhances muscle absorption of creatine.

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How Does Creatine Supplement Works?

Before we talk about the role of creatine (nitrogenic acid), I will explain a circuit called the ATP-ADP circuit. Without deepening in biology, the human body uses an energy source called Adinosine Triphosphate to perform sudden violent effort, such as lifting heavy weights or running at full speed. The body can not rely on slower energy sources such as fat and glucose to meet this sudden effort.

ATP is a part called Adenine that is linked to 3 phosphate molecules. When a phosphate fraction is broken, the energy needed for the body is released and the ADP + is left free. The body uses food energy to re-integrate the phosphate fraction into the ADP and reproduces ATP again. You can better understand this circle by watching this video (only two minutes). If you do not understand English you can see photos.

The ATP muscle stock lasts for only two or three seconds and then you will not be able to lift the heavy weights and you will have to take a minute or two rest to rebuild the ATP again. Here comes the role of creatine. Fill creatine or creatine from food turns into phosphocryatin in the muscles. Thus increasing the amount of ATP in the muscles and thus get the power and strength for a longer period and can increase the frequency of more in the gym.

Benefit of creatine supplement

Having understood information about the mechanism of creatine work in a simplified way, we can now explain the great benefits of creatine supplement. Which goes beyond just building muscle and mass.

There are statistics that 50% of athletes in universities and Western athletes and bodybuilders are taking supplement creatine. A study published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine confirmed that creatine supplement improves the performance of violent sports (such as the enemy and weightlifting) by 15%. There are limited studies indicating the benefit of creatin supplementation in increasing muscle size and increasing fat burning. But there are other studies that differ. But you should know that increasing the size of the weights you are practicing will increase your muscle mass in the long term. If I agree with studies that confirm the ability of creatine to increase muscle mass.

Another study, published in 2006, confirmed that male hormone testosterone increased by 22 percent (a significant proportion) in US football players at universities after taking creatine supplements.

Creatine fights Parkinson's disease: A study has shown that creatine and Coenzyme Q (10) are an effective treatment for Parkinson's disease.

Creatine treats muscular dystrophy: a German study has shown that patients with muscular dystrophy who take supplement creatine increased their strength by 8.5% for patients who do not eat.

A study of 3 female gamers has shown that women with depression who take 5 grams of creatine per day with the drug of depression have improved their condition by twice the rate of women taking only depression.

 Creatine improves brain function: Two studies from two Australian universities have shown that creatine increases intelligence and strengthens memory. This is because, as we have mentioned, the brain stores a limited amount of creatine.

CONCLUSION: If you are looking for increased strength and pH in the body, increasing muscle size and weight gain. Creatine supplement is excellent and cheap.

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Method of use and creatine doses:

I will talk about how to use creatine monohydrate, which is the most famous product. If you have another product, follow the usage instructions and dosages on the package because there are dozens of types and products and I can not mention them all.

There is a way to eat creatine course and it is divided into 3 stages Creatine Cycling.

Loading Phase: It takes 20 to 25 grams of creatine per day and for a week. Divide the dose 4 or 5 times, each time 5 grams (teaspoon).

Maintenance Phase: 5 or 10 grams creatine is taken daily for 30 days

STOP STOP: Creatine is discontinued for a week to 10 days.

Another way is to jump onto the loading stage and start taking 5 grams creatine a day and this is the method you prefer.

Studies have shown that there is no benefit to creatine turnover (method 1). All the benefit you get is to fill your muscles with vaso-creatine faster. Studies have also proved that there is no point in discontinuing creatine. It is not a drug used by the body. But it is a natural dietary supplement like meat and dairy products. Is there any point in cutting meat?

Dates of creatine intake:
The goal of creatine intake is to increase the amounts of creatine phospho in the muscle. This goal is achieved if creatine is taken at any time. Whether before or after exercise or in the morning or evening. The best way to eat creatine is with a meal or drink containing carp or protein. That's why I take creatine after a workout with a Wi-protein drink. Not for any other reason than ease of use. You can also buy creatine monohydrate mixed with sugar but you pay extra.

Creatine Damage:
 Several studies have shown creatine safety in the near and long term. This is, of course, provided that the dose is limited to 5-10 grams per day (maximum 20 grams).

These 3 studies demonstrated creatine safety on liver and kidneys: 1, 2, 3 on healthy subjects.

However, kidney and liver patients should avoid this supplement.

Creatine causes water retention which gives a puffy appearance. But this can be avoided with drinking large quantities of water. Where excess water gives signals to the brain by perfusion, which causes the body to discharge excess water.

Because of water withdrawal from the body, creatine may cause muscle tension or muscle cramps and dryness. This can be avoided while reducing caffeine and increasing water levels.

In the case of increased creatine for specific doses: may cause colic, feeling tired, tension and headache.

People under the age of 18 and pregnant and lactating women should be kept away from creatine supplements.

Creatine and slimming:
There is a big fallacy that creatine is a product suitable for size and weight only. This is completely false information. Creatine helps to increase muscle mass, which increases the metabolic rates of food in the long run and thus burn more fat. When you follow a diet that reduces your strength and level of activity, it is difficult to maintain your muscle mass from waste. Here comes the role of supplement creatine creatine supplement in giving you strength and power in the exercise and thus maintain your muscle mass during dieting.

It is true that creatine causes water retention in the body. But this is temporary, you should ignore it. You will burn fat and increase your muscle mass and the problem of water retention will end when you stop taking creatine. As I said before, you can overcome this problem by drinking more water.

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