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Leg Strength Training : Squat ,and burn fat buttocks in a week

The buttocks or buttocks are the most common areas of the body that women seek to lose and tighten. And not only women, but some men also want to have strong buttocks and consistent with their upper body. Where the weak buttocks in the man or the flat gives an impression of physical weakness.

In fact, one of the causes of slouching and increasing the size of the buttocks is the frequent sitting. This causes muscle atrophy due to lack of use. In addition to the main reason is the intake of large amounts of fast food and sweets with high calories and this leads to accumulation of fat body and buttocks in particular in many people.

Before we talk about solutions to slimming, lifting, and tightening the buttocks, this is a quick overview of the anatomy of the buttocks.

Dissection of the ass muscle Glutes:

Tightening of the buttocks

The posterior muscle is one of the strongest muscles in the body. It is actually 3 muscles. The largest is the Gluteus Maximus, which is the strongest of the hind muscles and is fully visible. The muscles of Gluteus Medius and Gluteus Minimus are two smaller, non-visible muscles. They are below the Gluteus Maximus muscle as in the picture.

Tightening of the buttocks.

As seen in the picture, the muscle of Gluteus Maximus arises from the top of the Illium and Sacrum and ends in the so-called Illiotipial Band.

The function of the Gluteus Maximus is to move the hip extension, the femoral rotation, and move the thigh forward and backward (as if you were kicking a ball).

This is the intended movement of the Hip Extension

Raise the tail

The muscle of the Gluteus Medius also begins at the Illium and ends at the top of the leg bone. Greater Trochanter of the femur. The function of Gluteus Medius is to move the thigh and pelvic circulation

Finally, the muscle of the Gluteus Minimus is the smallest of the posterior muscles, it arises from the middle of the illium and also ends at the top of the great bone of the leg bone Greater Trochanter of the femur. The function of the Gluteus Minimus muscle is to move and rotate the thigh.

As we see the 3 muscles of the posterior part are involved in several movements. So most of the back exercises run the 3 muscles together.

There are many benefits to exercise and strengthen the muscles of the buttocks:

1 - improve the integrity, especially the integrity of the pelvis and lower back

2 - Protect the lower back and knee from injuries. And protect the muscles of the back thighs from rupture.

3 - increase the speed of running and the length of the jump and improve the athletic performance of any sport depends on running and fast movement and jump.

4. Of course, increasing muscle mass at the back gives an attractive form to women, or what some call the Brazilian ass.

Before we talk about strengthening exercises and tightening the buttocks, I want to talk to you about how to lower the buttocks and thighs first ...

How to fast slimming of buttocks and thighs:

There is misinformation that back exercises help to dissolve large buttocks. This is far from healthy. You can not target any body fat and reduce it without others. There is no diet for the buttocks, no recipes, no paints, no creams, no mixes, no herbs that have the ability to burn buttocks fat without others.

The only solution is to reduce your whole body fat by diet to 8% for men and 15% or 20% for ladies as pictured:


This is only by diet. By eating fewer calories than your daily needs. Thus, the body compensates for this deficit in the calories that enter it by burning fat body. You can also calculate the body fat ratio by this calculator.

1 kg fat with 7000 calories. Thus, if you create 1000 calories a day, you will burn 7,000 calories per week, or 1 kg of fat.

The body does not lose fat in parallel or balanced. You may lose fat from your face first and from your buttocks. This is genetic and is due to the composition of your genes. Something you can not control or change. All you have to do is lose all your body fat until your body finds only fat that is burned by the stubborn fat left in the back.

A man always loses his belly fat the last area of ​​his body. And women lose their backside fat area.

And of course, I recommend taking the measurements of the meter to the back every week or 10 days to make sure you lose back fat.

Lifting and lifting exercises for beginners and beginners in gym and home:

Iron exercises have great benefits for the body. In addition to shaping the backside attractively, increasing muscle mass throughout the body increases metabolic rates. Muscle muscles are active tissues that consume calories throughout the day. Even during sleep. Therefore, the more your muscles increase, the faster your weight will decrease when you commit to a diet.

As a beginner or a beginner, we will need only two exercises, namely the squatting and the Roman dead rise.
You can play in the gym by bar:

Or performance with dumbbells at home:

You can do just two exercises, and you can add more advanced level exercises to them gradually. Start with the right weight for you to perform 12 repetitions. Then increase your weight weekly. There is no specific number to start with. This question brings me a lot of "how much weight I raise" ..

Advanced Exercise for Legs and Buttocks Day 1:

This is a full day exercise for the legs with a focus on the buttocks. You can add it to your exercise:

Note: When you see this (4 * 15) it means 4 rounds * 15 repetitions. (The small number of rounds and the large number of repetitions).

Wide place smith Machine Squats 4 * 15 :

It is a squatting exercise in the Samet bar but with a wide distance between the legs

Bulgarian Split Squat 4 * 12 :

This exercise is difficult to perform. So learn to do your weight first, then add the dumbbells later.

Gluteus Kickbacks 4 * 15 :

Single Leg Straight Leg deadlifts 4 * 15 :

Side stepups 4 * 15 :

Advanced Exercise for Legs and Buttocks Day 2:

hip Thrusts 4 * 15 :

Sumo Squat 4 * 15 :

Walking Lunges :

You can perform 4 groups of this exercise

DB step ups 4 * 15 :

Rear Lunges 4 * 15 :

These are also body weight exercises that can be performed at home without tools:

Glutes Bridges Exercise :

Glutes Kickbacks :

Hip extensions :

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